Entrepreneurship Inspiration, Coaching and Development


Qualies is engaged in collaborative projects to promote and pursue training fostering an entrepreneurial mindset as well as the practical skills and the conducive environment that are needed to make entrepreneurship work. Some of these activities have been developed for students in higher education, while others are better suited for vocational training. Qualies activities are developed in collaboration with partner organisations in Oman or around the world, including training institutes, universities, business schools, students unions, public bodies and chambers of commerce.


Regular curriculum and on-campus activities need to be complemented by extra-curricula features, e.g.: student clubs; student leadership; and scholarship opportunities; professional certification programs; industry involvement and special projects; internships and well-planned industry based placements. Qualies’ activities aim to cover several domains, including creativity-innovation, soft skills, network abilities, technical competencies and the development and adoption of support services.


Students anywhere must master the technical competencies (hard skills) that are central to their respective careers. Meanwhile, however, soft skills and networking abilities play an important part, in many cases more so than technical competencies, in advancing careers and entrepreneurial ventures. Highly developed interpersonal, communication, negotiation, interview, conflict resolution, team, leadership and crisis management skills complemented with “strong business development mindset-attitude” can benefit students in most disciplines. 


Qualies puts emphasis on “learning how to learn” approaches, rather than limited traditional “root learning” approaches. Graduation from a specific discipline should be viewed as a starting-point, rather than the “end of learning cycle”. Continuous learning, striving for globally successful work practices, coupled with advancements in English proficiency are most likely to prepare graduates into contemporary and emerging dynamic professional settings. Students are exposed to and made consciously aware of how to build and practice comprehensive skill-sets from an early stage.


Participants of the Green Enterpreneurship Workshop arranged by Qualies and partners on the 17th November 2012, during the annual summit of the World Student Community of Sustainable Development.



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